JAXCO Design & Development Graphic Design & Web Development
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The companies we work with cover a wide range of businesses, each with unique goals and needs. Our staff of professionals is ready to meet those needs and help your company fulfill its vision of a successful Internet presence.

We have compiled the following list to give you a sampling of some of the sites we have developed. When perusing these sites, don’t forget that we also created these humble pages.

Enjoy your trip through these sites and don’t forget to contact us when you would like to talk about developing your own web presence. We can help your business.

commercial clients
Universal Music Group
Universal Music Group
Final Touch
Final Touch Bridal Handmaidens
State Discount Brokers
State Discount Brokers
The Gododdin
The Gododdin UO Player Guild
The House of Cards
The House of Cards
Email questions or comments to info@jaxco.com
1997-2004 JAXCO Design & Development. All Rights Reserved